Many of the earliest lessons taught in Montessori schools are those of “grace and courtesy”. These lessons are part of the Montessori Method and extend throughout the child’s time at school. One skill fostered is patience, something many people struggle with at times. Patience can help develop the ability to think through and resolve problems; it can counteract impulsivity and undesirable behaviors. Teaching patience by example helps children learn resilience and self-control. These are skills which contribute toward emotional maturity.
Picture this scenario- which many of us can relate to: You’ve just arrived home, and are trying to talk to your spouse for a few seconds, when your child approaches you and wants your attention, right now! They may start saying “MOM” or “DAD” loudly to get your attention. Generally, you will react one of two ways: You may ignore your child, which sends the message that ignoring is an acceptable method of interacting with others. Or you may give your child immediate attention, which sends the message that no matter what you are doing the child is more important. In both of these scenarios the child is not developing a sense of patience.
In the Montessori environment, the practice of patience is started early. Nearly every material and lesson in the classroom is designed to help teach the child how to learn patience. This is why you have noticed only one of each material (or work) on the classroom shelf. As your child begins to learn more about patience, through experience, it will become a natural part of who they are now and, hopefully, the adult they will become.