The Montessori Method is centered on a child’s natural development. One way we can support this development is by modeling and encouraging healthy eating habits. Both school and home can work together to establish good nutritional habits for our children that will last for the rest of their life. Make sure that you, and the other adults in the family, agree on a healthy nutritional lifestyle for the entire family, including one that puts a limit on sweets. Remember, that the primary focus for your child’s nutrition should be the quality and variety of the food, and not the amount of calories.
So what should your toddler be eating? At 1 year of age, he should be consuming a wide variety of foods. As he moves through the second year of life, he should be eating 3 meals daily, along with 1 to 2 snacks, prepared and served at regular times.
In planning and preparing food for your toddler, include them in the process! They love helping in the kitchen and getting first-hand experience helps them begin to make good food choices. Also, make sure they are receiving a balance of healthy fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals from a wide variety of foods, that promote growth and include foods from the major food groups each day, including:
• Complete proteins
• Low fat dairy (or dairy alternative) products such as milk and cheese
• Grains, rice, whole grain breads and pasta
• Vegetables, legumes and fruits